What is Co-Parent Coaching?

When Parents Become Co-Parents

When a couple ends their intimate partnership, they still need to continue to foster a healthy relationship to keep the needs of the children front and center.  It takes practice, healing and sometimes facilitation from a coach that is specially trained in mediation, facilitation, communication skills and the developmental needs of children. 

As a coach, I am a voice for the children.  The children are never physically present for the co-parent coaching process, but with a skilled facilitator present we can separate out where you get stuck when it comes to conflict.  When we are mired in anger, resentment, fear and hurt it can be hard to see through the chaos.  I am here to ensure that each parent has a voice and that we keep the unique developmental perspective of the child(ren) front and center.

Telling The Children

The goal of co-parent coaching is to create a healthy parenting coalition.  The process can happen at the beginning of the divorce or separation.  Maybe you and your co-parent are trying to figure out how to tell the children that you are separating.  It’s hard to find clarity on best practices when you are facing a big life change that often is riddled in grief and fear.  Divorce is one of the most stressful transitions a person can go through.  When we are under this type of stress, our brains are off-line and therefore our decision making skills can be compromised.  A co-parent coach can help you navigate and recommend developmentally appropriate ways of talking to children about these life changes.

Creating a Durable Parenting Plan

Perhaps you are already on your way and have hired attorneys or mediators.  Working with a co-parent coach that can keep the unique needs of your child or children first while creating your parenting plan can be both cost effective and healing.   As a coach, I ensure that you are continually keeping in mind the best interests of the children.  This allows us to create a durable plan that is agreed upon by both parents. 

Navigating New Challenges

Co-parenting is a life-long relationship.  Long after the divorce dust has settled and perhaps one or both of you have even re-partnered, there are opportunities for navigating the parenting plan and adjusting to unique needs between the two homes.  A qualified co-parent coach can bring a neutral position to the conflict and allow space for repair and resolution.   

Healthy co-parenting doesn’t mean that you have to mirror exactly what happens between the two homes and it doesn’t mean that you have to be best friends with your ex.  It does mean that the children are allowed to be children living their best lives between two homes where they feel love, stability and peace.  


Parenting Takes a Village Podcast